Friday, October 14, 2016

Practicing Unity where Division Reigns

We all talk about being peace in the world, and it’s easy to do when we are surrounded by peace.

But as the American elections are demonstrating, putting that peace into practice is no easy matter.

I long ago determined that my spirituality would be an active, in-the-world part of who I am. And with each situation such as the one facing our American friends, I ask myself: how can I contribute to the highest, most loving outcome?

I’ll state outright that I have no idea what it is. It could be either, or neither, candidate.

But I do want it to be the outcome that brings healing, reconciliation and love to this great nation.

So, in the moments when I feel filled with light and confidence myself, I begin to do the work to heal my ideas and stories of them. I look at Donald, at Hillary, and say:

Donald, you are my brother on this journey together called life.

Hillary, you are my sister on this journey together called life.

And although I may not agree with what you say or what you believe, I love you. 

I see you, to the heart of you, and know you to be my brother, my sister, fellow pilgrims on this path, doing the best that you can from the place where you are.

And I know that you are capable of great love and compassion for those whose beliefs and ideas differ from your own… because I have done it.

I know that you are capable of changing your beliefs (and in consequence, your actions) in an instant…because I have done it.

I know that you are capable of elevating your discourse without raising your voice…because I have done it.

And if I have done it, then I know you are capable of doing it as well.

I know that the seed of divinity, of light, that exists within me – and every single living creature on this earth – also exists within you. 

Past all the words, the appearances, the emotions… I now see that light, and only that light, within you.

That light is wisdom. That light is truth. That light is love. That light is beauty. That light is grace. It is who you are. It is who I am.

With great respect, I bow to this light within. I honor this light.

Now glimpsed, this light can’t help but grow. 

You may not be able to see it, but I do. 

And until you can touch that light for yourself, I choose to do it for you, my brother, my sister, on the path, and hold in my mind that image of you as a light-being.

That light now grows, unstoppable. Because love’s true nature is to expand. 

It expands, and continues expanding, until it fills every atom of your being. 

Radiant light fills every cell of your body, beautifying it.

Radiant light fills every thought, elevating it.

Radiant light fills every emotion, calming it.

Radiant light fills your every word, spiritualizing it.

That is the truth of who you are. Who I am. Who we all are.

And it is unshakeable.

This same light now awakens in the very being of every individual of this great country, and is entrenched, unmoveable.

Light floods every space of every heart, of every thought, of every emotion, of every person in this country.

I hold space for this light, and only this light, to be at work.

I see the great United States of America indeed united…in light, in love, in harmony, in spirit.

I once again hold space for this to naturally occur…in my mind, in my heart, in my experience.

In this space, all that is needed to bring about this united, wise, loving, powerful country emerges in ways I can’t possibly envision…because a greater power than me is also at work, a power that I have invoked and that is grander and more loving than anything I can imagine. 

In this power, possibilities and solutions arise that I alone could never have imagined. In this power, conditions arise that bring the unity, harmony and love that we choose to live in.  

I bless this unity. I bless this harmony. I bless this reconciliation. I bless this love.

I bless this great United States, its people and its brilliant light, shining forth the highest love, the highest truth.

And so it is.


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